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Subscription FAQs

This page includes FAQs for the different subscription options, and a My Account FAQ. The FAQs can also be found on the relevant subscription pages. Please contact us if you cannot find an answer to your question.

Individual Subscription FAQs

See > Individual Subscription plans

Individual Subscription FAQs

What is included in the Free Minicourse subscription?

Access to the Free Minicourse and to the Warmups.

What is included in a paid subscription?

Full access to all course materials (no restrictions).

I have a Free Minicourse subscription. How do I sign up for a paid subscription?

Go to the Join page and select the plan of interest.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Go the Subscriptions section of your Account Dashboard and click on the subscription of interest. Click the Cancel button on the subscription.

Note that your subscription will remain active until the end of the subscription period, but will not renew after this time.

Note that we do not offer refunds on cancelled subscriptions.

Can I change from a monthly to annual subscription after signing up (or vice versa)?

Yes, you can change from monthly to annual (and vice versa), and you can change your level of support from base level to supporting member (and vice versa).

Go to the Subscription Section of your Account Dashboard and click on the subscription of interest. Find and click on the Change Subscription button.

Note that we do not offer refunds on subscriptions. Thus, your account will not be credited for unused portions of a subscription (e.g. in the case of a downgrade from annual to monthly or from supporting to a base membership).

Can I change my payment method after signing up?

Yes, you can change or update your payment method in the Subscription Section of your account dashboard > click the “Change Payment” button.

Do you offer refunds?

Sorry, we do not offer refunds. However, you may want to try our Free Minicourse first to see if the more extensive courses on Fully Being are right for you.

Can I pause my subscription?

No I’m sorry, but you cannot pause your subscription. You can however cancel your subscription, and restart at another time. Note that for cancelled subscriptions, you are granted access until the end of the current billing period, but your subscription does not renew after that.

Will I be notified of upcoming renewal dates for my subscription?

Monthly subscribers will not be notified of upcoming renewal dates, but they will receive a confirmation of payment. Annual subscribers will be notified of upcoming renewal dates. Note that all subscriptions auto-renew unless cancelled by the subscriber.

Does my subscription renew automatically?

Yes, subscriptions renew automatically by default. However, you can disable auto-renew on your account dashboard (see the toggle option to turn off Auto-Renew).

What is a Supporting member subscription?

Subscribers may opt to support the Fully Being project with a slightly higher subscription amount. See the Supporting Member page.

How do I subscribe as a Supporting member?

If you are a new subscriber, go the Supporting Member page to join. If you are an existing subscriber, go to your Account Dashboard > Subscriptions section and click the individual subscription. Look for the option to Change Subscription Plan.

Do you offer family or group subscription plans?
I have multiple subscriptions; how do I tell which is which?

Subscriptions are labelled by a number and unfortunately we are not able to provide the name of the subscription in the dashboard at this time. You will need to click each subscription to see its name and details.

Supporting Membership FAQs

See > Supporting Membership plans

Sponsor Subscription FAQs

What is a Sponsor Subscription?

A Sponsor Subscription is a type of Individual Subscription plan in which the subscriber chooses to pay a slightly higher monthly or annual amount, in order to provide funds for others who cannot afford the cost of the course.

How do I become a Sponsoring Subscriber?

If you are not yet an Individual Subscriber, you can join as a Sponsoring Subscriber on the Sponsor Subscriber page.

If you are already an Individual Subscriber, you can upgrade to a Supporting Member level on your Account Dashboard > Subscriptions; navigate to ‘Change Subscription’) 

Can I cancel or downgrade a Sponsoring Subscription plan?

You can cancel your Sponsoring Subscription at any time. You can also downgrade to a lower Sponsor Subscription level, or change to a basic Individual Subscription level. However, please note that we do not give refunds on cancelled or downgraded subscriptions. After cancellation, your subscription will remain active until the end of the subscription period, at which time your changes will take effect.

Note that if you cancel an annual subscription, we can offer you credit towards another subscription plan, including a Gift Subscription for another person. Please contact us to explore your options.

Family and Group Plan FAQs

See > Family and Group Plans

Family and Group Subscription FAQs

How do I add or remove members from my group?

The Group Manager assigns members to the group on the Group section of their Account Dashboard.

How do Group Members pay for their membership?

All payments for the group are handled by the Group Manager. The Group Manager can collect funds from other members if they wish, but Fully Being does not collect funds directly from members.

I already have an individual subscription. Can I cancel my individual subscription and join a group?

Yes, you can cancel an individual subscription and join a group plan. We do NOT offer refunds on cancelled plans. However, we may be able to offer credit on cancelled annual subscriptions. The credit can be applied to the purchase of a group plan, but the credit is not transferable to another individual. Please contact the Fully Being registrar for details, before you start the cancellation process.

If I purchase a group plan, do I need to be a member of the Group?

No, you can purchase a group plan and not be a member of the group.

Can I purchase and manage more than one group plan?

Yes, one person can purchase and manage more than one plan.

I just purchased a group plan. How do I manage my group?

If you purchased a Group subscription, click on the Groups section of your Account Dashboard. A new dashboard will open with options to

  • Back to Groups, returns to the main dashboard
  • See Members, shows current group members and options to change membership in the group
  • Add Members (default), gives the option to invite new members
  • Group Settings, where you can view Billing Details and increase the size of your group, using the Add Seats button.
Can I increase or decrease the size of my group?

Yes, the Group Manager can increase or decrease the number of members in a group by going to the Group Details section of the Group on the Group section of the Account Dashboard).

I was invited to join a group, but I don’t know how to accept the invitation. Can you help with this?

If you did not receive your email invitation to join the group, then please check your spam folder, or contact the Group Manager and ask them to remove you and re-assign you to the group.

If you received the email, you will either see a message to login (for existing users) or to create an account (for new users). After creating an account or logging in to your account, please RETURN TO THE EMAIL INVITATION AND CLICK THE INVITATION LINK A SECOND TIME. You will be prompted to accept the invitation.

Please check your inbox for communications related to your group signup.

I joined a group, but I cannot access the Groups section of My Account dashboard. Can you help with this?

Only Group Managers can access the Groups section of the Account Dashboard. If you are not a Group Manager, you will not see access to any Groups on the Dashboard.

Is an email address necessary to be part of a group?

An email is required. Each member will be prompted to create and log in to their account in order to access the course.

Do group plans auto-renew?

Monthly group plans auto-renew at the end of the month.To cancel a group plan, select the group in the Groups section of your Account Dashboard, and go to Group Settings > Billing. Alternatively, select the subscription in your Account Dashboard > Subscriptions, and find the option to cancel the plan.

Annual group plans do not auto-renew. To renew an annual

Do you offer refunds on cancelled group plans?

We do not offer refunds on cancelled monthly group plans. On annual group plans, we may be able to offer credit for a cancelled plan, which can then be used towards the purchase of a new plan. Please contact the Fully Being Registrar before making any changes.

Can I pause or suspend a group plan?

Yes, you can pause or suspend a group plan one time per billing cycle. Please see the billing details for the plan.

What happens when I cancel a group plan?

Cancelling a group plan stops any further billing on that plan. Cancelling does not immediately terminate your plan. The plan will remain active until the end of the billing period.

Gift Subscription FAQs

See > Gift Subscriptions

Gift Subscription FAQs

What is a Gift Subscription?

A gift subscription is a way to share Fully Being with another person who is not currently subscribed to the course.

How does a Gift Subscription work?

When you purchase a gift subscription, you include the email address of the recipient at the time of purchase. The recipient will receive an email inviting them to create an account.

Does a Gift Subscription renew automatically?

No, a gift subscription does not renew automatically. It will be available only for the period of the original subscription If you wish to renew a gift, you must repurchase the gift subscription.

Can the recipient renew their subscription if they llike the course?

After the gift subscription expires, the recipient can purchase their own subscription if they choose to continue.

My Account FAQs

See > My Account Dashboard

My Account FAQs

What is on the Account Dashboard?

The Account Dashboard includes:

  • My Subscriptions is the place to cancel, pause, and modify subscriptions, including changes from monthly to annual subscriptions, or upgrades from Individual Subscriptions to Supporting Memberships. 
  • Payment Methods is where you can update your credit card and payment information.
  • Account Details is where you can update your personal information and password.
  • Store Credit, lists any credits applied to your account. The code for this credit can be applied in the Coupon field on the checkout page.
  • Groups is the place to go to manage a Group Subscription.
How do I cancel or modify a subscription?

Go the Subscriptions section of the dashboard, and find the subscription of interest. If you have more than one subscription, you may need to explore each one. In each subscription you will find options to cancel, pause, and modify payment plans.

How do i change between monthly and annual subscriptions?

Find your Individual Subscription option in the Subscriptions tab, and scroll down to change between monthly and annual subscription plans. 

How do I become a Supporting Member?

Find your Individual Subscription option in the Subscriptions tab, and scroll down to select different types of subscriptions. 

I am a Group Manager. How do I manage my group?

If you purchased a Group subscription, click on the Groups section of your Account Dashboard. A new dashboard will open with options to

  • Back to Groups, returns to the main dashboard
  • See Members, shows current group members and options to change membership in the group
  • Add Members (default), gives the option to invite new members
  • Group Settings, where you can view Billing Details and increase the size of your group, using the Add Seats button.

For more details on Groups, see the Family and Groups page.

Can I increase and decrease the size of the group?

Yes, on the Group Settings page, select Add Seats. Note that you can only add blocks of seats equivalent in size to the original number of seats. For example, if you purchased a Group plan with 8 seats, you can only add more seats in blocks of 8.

Note that you can cancel your Group plan and resubscribe to a new plan, but you will need to recreate the group membership.

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