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About Fully Being

You are perfect just as you are — and you could use a little work.” ~ Suzuki Roshi

The inspiration, design, and beauty of this course is the fruition of Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s vision, investigation, and effort in teaching across the globe. These online courses were lovingly prepared by a team of Rinpoche’s students with his constant advice and guidance. The process took several years: from the initial meetings with Rinpoche clarifying the course’s backbone to hundreds of hours of reviewing and clipping videos, months of writing supporting materials, new video production, website design and development, subtitling, final editing, proofing, and a blessing from Rinpoche. Many volunteers also gave valuable advice that improved the course. We want to thank every one of the dozens of people who contributed their time, energy, skills, and expertise in bringing this project to completion. It could not have happened without a team effort.

We want to thank (in no specific order) specifically: Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Esteban and Tressa Hollander, Adam Kane, Douglas Beechwood, Catherine Hollander, Gerardo Abboud, Susan Skellenger, Deborah Easley, James Terburg, Babo Harrison, Patrick Hammond, Justin Walden, Nataraja Kallio, Christine Dupre, Saralee Kane, Damien Hoffman, John Makransky, Pedro Beroy, Kevin Wiley, Leandro Chernikoff, Daniela Labra, Mark Kane, Leonard Hortick, Stephanie Selden, Hassan Niwaz, Myoshin Kelley, Cortland Dahl, Danny and Tara Goleman, Sharon Salzberg, Brady Hogan, Spafford Ackerly and Jeanne Lasko.

Fully Being is a project of the Pundarika Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization registered with the Internal Revenue Service, USA.

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