70 Lessons (3 months)
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70 Lessons (3 months)
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Immersion Level I consists of eight modules (or sections) that have 70 lessons which take, depending on your pace, around three months to complete. Each lesson consists of video teachings, supported by key points, exercises, and daily reminders.
The 8 modules in the Immersion Level I and Level II courses are typically followed in the sequence outlined below, starting with Dropping, and progressing to Handshake and so on. However, some advanced practitioners may choose to focus in the area of Body, Heart, or Mind, in which case they may wish to consult the Thematic organization of courses (see toggle).
The 8 modules of the Immersion Level I and Level II courses can be loosely grouped according to their emphasis in the three areas of Body, Heart, and Mind. Some advanced practitioners may choose to focus in one area, but we recommend the Sequential order of modules if you are new to the course (see toggle).
We begin the course by dropping the anxious, over-active, thinking mind and grounding awareness deeply in the body.
Handshake is the meeting of the mind and our feeling world.
Essence love is the root of the feeling nature within the subtle body.
The subtle body is the experience of feelings, essence love, subtle sensations, and the movement of energies.
The Four Ways of Seeing describe the structure of the mind and provides a fourfold framework to work with it in specific ways.
Rooted in our experience of calmness and essence love, we can increasingly recognize the basic clarity of the mind.
Insight practice harnesses the analytical power of the mind to peer deeply into the nature of reality.
This last section consists mainly of Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s advice and ennobling stories of his teachers on how to practice and live wisely.
The purpose of the review section is to give you the essential teaching clips, key points, mantras, and exercises selected from the course. Periodically watching these helps us with flow or continuity of the course. We see how a grounded body, warm heart, and clear mind have layers and levels of meaning and experience.
Practicing these guided meditations, organized into Grounded Body, Warm Heart and Clear Mind, can deepen your understanding and felt sense of the content of the course. The teachings and exercises come alive when we repeat these meditations, and they become a vital part of our awareness and feeling throughout our lives.
You can practice these anytime during your study of the course material. Once you’ve completed the course, you can then practice all of these as a review and also when you feel meditation is more important for you than learning the course material.