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Is This For Me?

Is this course for me?

This course is for everyone, whether more seasoned spiritual practitioners or brand new. For those of you with some background, the course helps integrate and ground the training you have already had. For those of you who are newer to these kinds of teachings and experiences, it provides a good foundation and a clear path to a grounded body, open heart, and a clear mind.  

Who created this course?

Tsoknyi Rinpoche designed this course based on his in-depth, classical training as a Tibetan Buddhist lama and his experience teaching throughout the West for over 25 years.

Why was this course created?

After many years of teaching, discussion and observation, Tsoknyi Rinpoche began to address the unique challenges modern people face in pursuing a spiritual path and well-being. He was concerned that spiritual bypass, disconnection, un-groundedness, and emotional wounding was hindering our ability to embody real spiritual growth. He wanted to develop a comprehensive body of teachings that result in healthy human beings. This course is the outcome of his creativity and insight.

Do I have to be Buddhist to do this course?

No. The wisdom and methods that are taught here are informed by Buddhist wisdom and guided by a recognized Buddhist Lama, but specifically designed to be available to everyone — spiritual practitioners of all faiths, secular atheists, scientists and Buddhists of all traditions. The aim here is not to convert anyone but rather to share techniques and insights that are part of our collective human heritage.

What courses are available?

Fully Being consists of four courses that offer different levels of immersion into the material.

  • Immersion Level II contains the entire collection of teachings in approximately 150 lessons, organized into 8 modules.
  • Immersion Level I consists of a subset of approximately 70 lessons, also organized into 8 modules.
  • The Essentials course consists of approximately 26 lessons organized into three areas of Grounded Body, Warm Heart and Clear Mind.
  • The Free Minicourse is a sampling of the material in approximately in 10 lessons.
How are the courses organized?

The Free Minicourse and Essentials Course consist of sections focusing on Body, Heart and Mind.


The Immersion Level I and II Courses consist of 8 modules. We recommend that beginning students follow the sequential order of the modules. More advanced students may prefer to focus on the more thematic areas of Body, Heart and Mind.

How long does this course take?

The courses are self-paced, and the emphasis is to go deeply into the material so that it becomes transformative. It’s designed so you can spend as much time on any particular section as you wish.

What is the commitment from my side?

This depends on each person’s life, schedule, and interest level. The more time and attention you put in, the more benefits you will receive.


Rinpoche has suggested a general minimum commitment of 30 minutes per day. Of course, some people will be able to give more time and some less. This is all fine. It’s better to do something than nothing.  It’s also fine to do multiple short sessions, for example, 15 minutes twice a day or 20 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night.


It’s important to mention that consistency is better than binge-practicing — it’s better to do 20 minutes a day than 2 hours once a week. The continuity adds up over time and changes habits more effectively. Like any training, the body and mind grow in strength and confidence with daily repetition.

What does the course cost?

Please see our Sign Up page for pricing options.

Can I preview the course before signing up?

Yes, we offer a Free Minicourse which is designed to give you a sense of the course as a whole. Please click here to subscribe to the Free Minicourse. 

Can I ask questions and contact the Fully Being Team?

Yes!  You can contact us via our Contact Form to ask practical and content questions, as well as registration and payment questions. We will try our best to help and respond in a timely manner. If anything is unknown to us, we will pass your question onto Rinpoche.

How does this content differ from traditional presentations?

This content is unique — it is both deeply informed by traditional and time-tested meditation teachings and thoroughly adapted to our modern mental and emotional experience. This is one of Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s unique gifts — distilling ancient Buddhist wisdom in skillful ways for the modern world.

Is it okay to do this course if I have another teacher?

Absolutely. This is a public offering by Tsoknyi Rinpoche to anyone interested. It is perfectly fine to have another teacher, or not be committed to a teacher at all. 

Do I have to complete earlier sections of the course to access latter ones?

For beginning students, we recommend following the sequential order of modules. Each section builds on the previous material and prepares for the next teachings. 

Advanced students may wish to choose a thematic approach, focusing on areas of grounded body, warm heart or clear mind in more depth.

Am I joining some kind of group if I do this course?

No, this is an independent course offered by Tsoknyi Rinpoche to the public. There is no expectation, pressure, or suggestion to join any group. The course is a public offering for healing, spiritual growth, and sharing wisdom, and you are free to engage with this course without joining anything fully.

That said, if you would like to be part of a Fully Being sitting group, attend seminars with Tsoknyi Rinpoche or participate in his formal Buddhist community called Pundarika Foundation, you are also free to do so. For more information about Rinpoche:

Existing practitioners of Vajrayana Buddhism

Tsoknyi Rinpoche often says that Fully Being will be very helpful for existing practitioners of Vajrayana Buddhism, whether beginner or experienced. The healing, grounding, connecting with essence love, subtle body work, and calm-abiding and insight teachings contained here will help deepen and integrate any level of practice. Whether engaging in preliminary practices (ngondro), bodhicitta training, sadhanas (deity yoga), Mahamudra, or Dzogchen, the Fully Being course will be supportive and beneficial.

Practically, Rinpoche advises students to continue with whichever practice commitments or samayas they have and incorporate Fully Being teachings as a central part of daily practice.

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