For the central part of the practice, examine and reflect upon the prompt questions’ meaning and then watch the video lessons. Â If it’s a guided meditation, meditate along with Rinpoche. If it’s more of a conceptual teaching, spend time soaking it first and then understanding and, most importantly, feeling it. Rinpoche teaches with his body language, voice tones, humor, and facial expressions.
After seeing the video lessons, familiarize yourself with the key points to help essentialize and internalize the content, and lastly, do the practice exercises (or the ones that feel beneficial for you) to gain a felt sense of how the lessons may become more experiential in your life.
Throughout the day, you can remind yourself of the teachings that are important to you by using the daily contemplations. Creating this continuity will help the meaning of the lessons enrich your awareness and deepen your understanding over time.
Complete your session by sitting quietly for a few minutes, resting in what you’ve done and learned. This is like taking a warm bath, relax, and let go of all effort.
Once you’ve let go and relax, end the practice by dedicating the benefits to everyone, including yourself. You can also make prayers and aspirations that are important to you in your own words, such as wishing to awaken essence love and compassion, bring more profound clarity and confidence to your mind, or to give more space and warmth to your beautiful monsters. And we can remember that the ways we heal ourselves are the ways we can also help others. Â